Marioara Simon
Romanian Pulmonology Society
Marioara Simon has FCCP, MD, PhD degrees in Pulmonology, Bronchologist and Allergologist. She is the Head of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Department, University Hospital Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She is the President of the Romanian Bronchology Section of the Romanian Pulmonology Society and on Board of WABIP as regent, on Board of EABIP as delegate from Romania. She has a strong interest in the diagnosis and endoscopic therapy of lung cancer. She has participated in EABIP, ERS and WABIP Congresses with presentations and posters and has organized and participated in many bronchological workshops. She has published books (Chronic Interstitial Fibrotic Pneumopathies, Bronchoscopist’s Guide) and more than 130 scientific articles and oral presentations, the majority in the diagnostic bronchoscopy and interventional pulmonology field.
Abstract : Multimodality endoscopic approach of benign tracheal stenosis BTS