Advanced Diagnostic for Lung disorder

In a respiratory exam, the doctor focuses on the patient’s breathing. Breath sounds in the lungs are checked for fluid and inflammation. The doctor may peer into the nose and check the throat. If caught early, over-the-counter medications can help alleviate symptoms while the virus runs its course. However, if the infection is advanced, an X-ray or CT scan (computed tomography) may be needed to check the condition of the lungs. Lung function tests have shown to be useful as diagnostic tools and for prognosis purposes. Pulse oximetry, also known as pulse ox, may be used to check how much oxygen gets into the lungs. A physician may also need a sputum (material coughed up from the lungs) sample to check for the type of virus causing the disease.

  • Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT)
  • COPD Testing: Spirometry and arterial blood gas test
  • Fine needle biopsy (FNA)
  • Bronchoscopy and Thoracoscopy
  • Lung transplantation and nursing care
  • Surgical biopsy
  • X-Ray and Echocardiogram

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