Lung Transplantation

Lung Transplant is surgery to replace one or both diseased lungs with healthy lungs from a human donor. In most cases, the new lung or Lungs are usually donated by a person who is under age 65 and brain-dead, but is still on life-support. The donor tissue must be matched as closely as possible to your tissue type. This reduces the chance that the body will reject the transplant. Lungs can also be given by living donors. Two or more people are needed. Each person donates a segment (lobe) of their Lung Diseases. This forms an entire lung for the person who is receiving it. During Lung Transplant Surgery, you are asleep and pain-free (under general Anesthesia). A surgical cut is made in the chest. Lung Transplant surgery is often done with the use of a heart-Lung Machine. This device does the work of your heart and lungs while your heart and lungs are stopped for the Surgery.

  • Post-operative care and Statistics of Transplantation
  • Eosinophilic Granuloma
  • Chronic Lung Transplantation
  • Lung Transplantation Cystic fibrosis
  • Lung Rejection
  • Bronchiectasis and Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM)

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Barcelona, Spain

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